The past few years have been a wild ride for us all, especially in the working world. While employees continue to settle into a new normal, companies have gone from working remotely to hybrid and, for some, back to the office indefinitely. 

When it came time for us to take a closer look at our post-pandemic plans, we zeroed in on one principle: Flexibility. Because being boxed into any one category has never been our thing, and our work style should be no different. So in January 2022, we put this flexibility into fruition and officially adopted a work from anywhere structure that empowers our team to work the way they want while at the same time allowing us to attract the best and the brightest talent from around the world. We have team members working from Orlando, Miami, Texas, Spain, a bus. Yes, a bus – one of our Product Designers works from a fully renovated 1998 school bus allowing him and his wife to travel the world.

“Time is the most valuable currency we have, and working remotely has allowed me to spend my time traveling, visiting friends and family for longer, and getting to see things I probably never would have otherwise. PRPL’s remote culture is extremely supportive of my lifestyle, and that is something I’ll never take for granted.”

Cam Robinson, PRPL Product Designer
“As a military spouse, being remote means everything to my family. Not having to compromise my career goals for my husband’s job has taken a huge weight off my shoulders, and the flexibility gives me peace of mind knowing that my location won’t hinder my future success. PRPL has always been so supportive and caring, more reasons why I absolutely love my job and my team.”

Yoko Nakamura, PRPL Project Manager

For those that don’t always love working from home—or their next travel destination—we also opened a satellite office in Downtown Orlando where any of our team members can enjoy an open workspace, outdoor seating, hot coffee (or cold beer), and face time in its most traditional sense.

This level of flexibility is different from a hybrid model in that we don’t require local employees to come into an office on certain days. Any team member can work from home one week and go into the office the next or work half the day from a park and the other half at their favorite coffee shop. Because we believe by empowering and trusting our employees to create a work environment that meets their needs, we can better deliver the level of work that exceeds our clients’. 

“At PRPL, we have a saying: be humble, care deeply⁠—and that starts on the inside. We care about what work looks like to every individual on our team and gladly give them the power to define it."

- Bobby Jones, PRPL Founder & CEO

Does our work style sound like your jam? We invite you to head to the careers section of our website to view our open positions.